Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Class Marker Quiz

ClassMarker is very appealing technology which would mesh well with other educational ICT’s in the classroom. The use of on-line quizzes by students also encourages familiarisation with the ICT environment.

Quizzes can be used for fun or as a tool to gain an insight into prior knowledge a student or group of students has before beginning a topic. With this information, the teacher can better prepare and cater for all learning needs. A quiz can also be used to lead students to questions for further investigation. Quinn and Reid (2003) state that quizzes assist learning by determining where a student’s current understanding is sitting and then moving them forward from that point. Another useful purpose for a quiz would be to test for knowledge after finishing a topic.

An on-line quiz could be engaging for students if composed thoughtfully around the learning. It can also be used for self-assessment- the student discovers not only what they know about a subject, but also what they don’t know.

The advantages for teachers are obvious- time saving!

ClassMarker allows the teacher to see the quiz results, export quiz results, set a time limit and add feedback.

Research conducted by Woit and Mason (2000) with computer science students, compared the effectiveness of using quizzes to the alternative of using marked laboratory assignments. The results found that student learning and retention increased using on-line quizzes. If a quiz was to be administered and marked in the traditional manner, it would be impossible to make them available for students learning. 54% of students who participated said that the online quizzes enabled them to learn more and 46% said that they believed the on line quizzes enabled them to achieve a higher mark.

Log in with username- student 6799 password-ftpsxut

And try my history quiz.



Quinn, D. & Reid, I (2003) Using innovative online quizzes to assist learning

http://ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw03/papers/quinn/paper.html Viewed August 11, 2009

Woit, D. and Mason, D (2000) Enhancing student learning through online quizzes.


Viewed August 11, 2009


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